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Whether you lead a life of adventure or not, accidents and illnesses can happen. You can be prepared with insurance that provides financial protection to your family.

Life insurance

Life insurance pays money to your designated beneficiaries after your death.

Rivian provides 100% company-paid life insurance through Generali of up to 4.000.000 RSD.

Critical illness insurance

Your Rivian benefits through Generali include critical illness and surgical procedure insurance. This coverage provides a one-time payment of up to 5.184 RSD when you are diagnosed with a covered serious illness or need a covered surgical procedure.

Accident and disability insurance

Your Rivian benefits through Generali also provide a payment if you are injured in an accident or suffer a disability. The amount of the payment depends on the type of injury or disability.


Refer to these documents for coverage details and claim information.

Generali Accident Claim Form

Generali Accident Insurance General Terms and Conditions – English

Generali Bone Fracture Additional Terms and Conditions – English

Generali Critical Illness and Surgical Procedure Claim Form

Generali Critical Illness and Surgical Procedures Insurance – English

Generali Critical Illness Special Terms and Conditions – English

Generali Life Insurance Claim Form

Generali Surgical Procedures Special Terms and Conditions – English

Generali Table of Critical Illnesses – English

Generali Table of Permanent Disability – English

Generali Table of Surgeries – English

Generali Total Permanent Disability Terms and Conditions – English

Generali Traffic Accident Death Special Provisions – English

Generali Voluntary Health Insurance General Terms and Conditions – English

Generali Dopunski uslovi za kolektivno osiguranje zapolenih od posledica nesrecnog slucaja nezgode

Generali informator Nezgoda i Smrt bolest

Generali informator Te§e bolesti i hirurēke intervencije

Generali Obrazac za prijavu įtete kolekt dod zdrav osigur za slucaj tb i hirurskih interv

Generali Obrazac za prijavu steta za nezgodu kolektivno

Generali Obrazac za prijavu stete smrtnog slucaja

Generali Opsti uslovi za DZO od

Generali Opsti uslovi za osiguranje lica od posledica nesrecnog slucaja (nezgode)


Generali Posebni uslovi za kolektivno DZO za hirurske intervencije od

Generali Posebni uslovi za kolektivno DZO za teze bolesti od

Generali Tabela hirurskih operacija (THIT)

Generali Tabela tezih bolesti (TTB)

Generali Uslovi za grupno osiguranje zivota za slucaj smrti usled bolesti