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If you live in California, you have the option to enroll in a Kaiser Permanente plan.

The plan pays 100% of in-network preventive care services, with no copay or deductible.

For more details, refer to the plan documents

Kaiser Permanente – Northern and Southern California

  • The deductible is $1,000 for employee-only coverage and $2,000 for employee-plus-dependents coverage.
  • The deductible only applies to outpatient surgery, hospitalization and emergency care.
  • For in-network doctor visits, virtual visits, or services, you pay a copay of $20 per visit.
  • For other in-network services and emergency room visits, you pay 20% after you meet your deductible.
  • The out-of-pocket maximum is $4,000 for employee-only coverage and $8,000 for employee-plus-dependents coverage.
  • The plan does not provide out-of-network coverage, except in the case of a medical emergency.
  • For care while traveling, Kaiser provides access to virtual care and has partnered with Target Minute Clinics and Concentra urgent care centers across the country for in-person visits as needed.

Find out how your medication is covered

A formulary is a list of generic and brand-name drugs that are covered by your plan and at what level. If you’re enrolled in a Kaiser plan, you can view the formulary on the Kaiser website.

For in-network prescription drugs, you pay $10 for generic drugs, $30 for preferred brand-name drugs, and 20% for nonpreferred brand-name and specialty drugs (up to $200). Prescription costs do not count toward your deductible.

If you’re not enrolled in a Kaiser plan, you can request the formulary from